Samsung Backstage App 2.0
Samsung Backstage is a comprehensive learning development platform that provides Samsung employees with up-to-date information and training on Samsung products and services. As a Senior UI Designer, I aimed to create a contemporary, timeless interface that enhances user experience and accessibility.
Working alongside UX designers, we designed a user-friendly interface that allows employees to easily access information, quizzes, competitions, challenges, giveaways, and other learning topics. The design incorporates bite-sized learning, enabling users to learn in short, easy-to-digest and remember sessions.
The platform's profile section is a crucial feature that tracks users' progress and encourages them to expand their knowledge. This feature allows users to monitor their performance, see how well they're doing, and track their points on the leaderboard. The leaderboard feature gives users a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to continue learning.
Overall, the redesigned Backstage platform provides Samsung employees an engaging and enjoyable way to boost their knowledge about Samsung products and services. The platform's design is user-centric, easy to use, and intuitive, delivering an outstanding learning experience.
The platform was so successful that another Samsung client wanted to use it for the Samsung One B2B business program. And, I lead the reskin of the Samsung One platform.
Lead UI Designer
UX: Melanie Duroux, Rita Lopes & Alex Moulin
Project Manager: Rachel Hankins, Marco Ciffo, Collette Powell
Art Director: Kat Cheeseman and Phil Scaman
Lead Developers: Freddy Vaca, Toby Saunders and Dave Clark
Account Manager: Naomi Cannon, Rachael Nugent